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Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Update Article Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace. Furniture is the term used for furniture that serves as a place to store goods, seating, beds, where to do something in the form of a table or a place to put stuff on the surface. For example furniture as a place to store usually equipped with doors, drawers and shelves, to cabinets for example, bookshelves, etc. Furniture can be made from :
Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Artistic furniture products are usually made of wood with a choice of color and texture that works beautifully with the smooth completion of the final.

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft

As far as furniture Indonesian furniture industry still has great prestige in world trade. In his solo exhibition, titled "Indonesia Pavilion" which lasted for 18 to 22 March 2007 in China, the furniture from Indonesian in great demand by international buyers. There were about 50-70 buyer has asked Indonesian businessmen to become suppliers of furniture and handicraft Indonesian transaction value of approximately U.S. $ 100 million.The government has also undertaken efforts to develop the furniture industry. In addition this sector has been adopted by the Government as one of 10 leading commodity export nation. This is supported by the design aspects and quality of products demanded by consumers overseas, the availability of raw materials and human resources ably. in Indonesia so many appeared more and more small or large traders trying to earn money from the furniture handicraft industry.

Indonesia Wholesale Marketplace

One example is Jepara. Jepara is a small town located on the north coast of Java. Today, Jepara better known as a center for furniture wood carving handicraft industry, type of activity an art guild tradition has evolved into one business unit or a strong industry. The result of the product has entered the area of marketing, both at the local, national, regional, and international organizations, among others, on five continents, namely Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe.

In the late 20th century, industrial art of Indonesia Furniture Handicraft from Jepara carving attract entrepreneurs from Western Europe, Asia and America to invest capital in the industrial sector. They have strong capital and broad market area. Generally they understand consumer preferences so that it can easily operate, produce and market their products to the user country. Foreign businessmen are generally very confident in the capabilities and skills of craftsmen from Jepara. Generally designs provided by foreign businessmen because they know the exact tastes of consumers in regions of origin. ( read Furniture Buying Guide )

Activities include arts and crafts industry has developed into a sculptural furniture event of competition between local and foreign entrepreneurs, as well as test vehicles to face the open market. Various challenges that arise should be arrested by local entrepreneurs as an opportunity to enhance the sculptural furniture industry. such as improving the quality of :
  • materials
  • processes
  • production
  • marketing
  • packaging
  • distribution and
  • other services require programmed, integrated and sustainable.

Jepara is Wholesale Marketplace in Indonesia. In turn will prove that the industry of Jepara furniture sculpture was included in the traditional art that can compete with similar industries in international forums. So artisans and craft industry products from Jepara is the potential that has been proven in global competition through the creation of a new creation coincided with the relocation of industries furniture carved from Western Europe.

Indonesia Furniture handicraft Wholesale b2bIndonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace, support for outofindonesia.com

Penulis : gunawan ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace ini dipublish oleh gunawan pada hari Rabu, 19 Mei 2010. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 14 komentar: di postingan Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

14 komentar:

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  6. mantap gan....maju terus

  7. aya bLeh ! geus Kiwin can ??

  8. rame banget ya kontesnya.. ayo terus berjuang hehehe

  9. halaman berapa nic sob?

  10. blognya keren om, terutama headernya mantab...hehehe

  11. Maju terus kerajinan indonesia! maju terus buat kang indra! :)

    Sukses terus sob!

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